do you still Monday, March 06, 2006 | Comments:
Walk like you are dribbling a basketball between your legs?
coz thats how i described you to one of my friends.
do you still have the mails you sent to me.
coz i dont.
do you still get bothered by me,
coz i do
would you still be conscious to walk upto me.
do you still feel naked without you piercings.
would you still hate it if i corrected your grammar in the middle of your interesting story.
do you still wanna hold hands
still believe in probability and logic,
as passionately?
do you still go to the refuge floor of your skyscraper
and hang around till your argument with the security guards
still have arguments with authority?
still looking for a good 'good' conversation with extreme mannersims and hand gestures.
is your nick name on msn still 'daft punk'.
did you finish the book that you were reading when you left.
do you still want me to call you
do you still wanna just fuck.