i asked my mom
" Mumma, can we just change our surname to Kothari? I mean all the official records already have that; so we wont have to make an application. and wherever it's not, we'll just stop pointing out that it's KOHARI and even while copying down from a sheet or Excel, the poor clerk will subconsciously do the needful! just accept it and move on..;. thats what the world wants us to be! so we will be.... once a month or so, instead of having our prayer sessions, we'll have a get-together where we will remind ourselves that we are actually koharis, but for the outside world we remain koThari.... our generations will not know about this, so they wont have to face any denial. Much like they do with the american presidents about the UFOs...."
my mom just looked at me for a good 45 seconds. i think she was trying to remember the address of the hospital where i was born.
1:01 AM
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1:03 AM
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10:42 PM
I came huh...as in visited your blog...you know...not CAME...just to prove that i do come...the real come...not the CUM come...though that I do too...oh god!! I'll take my thirteen-year-old-boy self elsewhere!! Kisses!
Other Readers Of This Comment: OVERLOOK!!! top
3:40 PM
so sorry schazeb..that this comment is actually for shreya!!
shrey!! you are so hilariously scandalous..that i am actually falling out of my chair..hahahaha...
and zeb...i think you should also change you first name to Sajid..coz shahzeb sounds exotic alright...but sounds more incomprehensible as as i hear more and more people calling out to you...
So Sajid Kothari it is...it gives you the politcally correct status of respecting national integration too!! top
3:43 PM
hahaha....this can't get more invasive...your blog looks worse than my hotmail account with spam!!
but on the brighter side...at least you are getting more hits on your blog...and of course the 'much required' comments!!
Enjoy! top
7:11 AM
for someone who threatened to bore us with innumerable treks up the attic...you sorely disappoint!! and don't throw it back at me, and call my once-in-a-blue-moon post just that- rare. At least mine are worth the wait ...;p
love. top
3:02 PM
kohari is ok!
i had a frnd whos name was
Epin Khurra!! top
5:53 AM
*knock knock*
koi hai?? top