so my attempt to get you guys 'involved' failed... Thursday, June 16, 2005 | Comments:
big deal! i dont care, do i?
i ll just go on writing whatever is not so welcome in my head (but originated there?)
but this i wanted to share with you guys,
i meet Viren ( and Mirat ( almost every week and do what i call, the intellectual "69". so today we meet and in the middle of nothing Viren tells us," arrey, now my neighbors dog pees on my doormat!" and at one in the morning near Mithibai these three asses are laffing like crazy. Laughing like there no tomorrow and till tears roll, and i know that after all, when i m dying, this is what i will wish is stored in some heavenly cyberspace for me to see, if not re-live.
thats what these guys give me. Perspective. And not just philosophically, like on the latest project that i am working on, or some current affairs thing.
i painted Mirat a t-shirt that says, " If you can't decide which is your favourite t-shirt, you are living a good life."
Need Perspective? Go, call your college friends.